Title: Navigating Planned Gift Stewardship Conversations: A Five-Step Structure
Presenter: Jason James Shuba, JD, Director of Gift Planning, Denison University
Webinar Description: It's our responsibility to keep planned gift donors close to - and feeling valued by - our organizations. These donors welcome connection and should be approached regularly to ensure their commitments are appropriately valued, active, and still structured in a way that our organizations can administer. Unfortunately, our stewardship conversations can sometimes become too familiar and shapeless. We should aim to connect purposefully with these valued donors. This session will help you move past pleasantries to organize your planned gift stewardship appointments through a five-step structure that’s deployable across meeting types. Sample language geared toward helping you guide your conversations will be offered for scenarios involving "booked" revocable deferred gifts, "unbookable" revocable deferred gifts and irrevocable deferred gifts.
Speaker Bio: Based in Chicago, Jason leads Denison's work in assisting alumni and friends with deferred, non-cash, and complex gifts to benefit the university. He previously served as a Director of Gift Planning at the University of Illinois Foundation where he helped facilitate over $120 million in new or additional gift commitments, created the Illinois Legacy Challenge to separately record over $60 million in planned gifts via a leveraged $1 million matching pool, and provided his advancement colleagues with an internally-developed, best-in-class gift planning resource suite. Jason earlier worked as a Senior Gift Planning Officer with the American National Red Cross where he reinvigorated the organization’s dormant Greater Chicago gift planning program. He arrived in gift planning after managing the advancement vertical for Academic Impressions, a Denver-based higher-education professional development company. Jason earned a JD from Case Western Reserve University in addition to a BA cum laude from Denison. He keeps an active Illinois law license, runs six days a week, and really wants to talk with you about the "Marcel the Shell with Shoes On" movie.
Pricing for individuals: $35 for members (log in to see member pricing); $79 for non-members Not yet a member? Join today and access member discounts.
Pricing for groups: $149 for councils; $209 for organizations The group host will receive one Zoom access link. [Group webinar FAQs]