Conversational Gift Planning, offered by the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners, is a multi-week educational course led by Dan Shephard. This program will equip participants with the fundamental tools to elevate their donor relationships. Participate in live education to integrate practical skills into more meaningful and productive conversations.

You must earn the right to ask.

Dan will guide participants through The Four Decisions every donor makes to learn the skills of donor-participatory fundraising.

Why: Learn your donor’s gift motivation.
What: Determine a promising gift purpose.
How: Identify life events, assets and other considerations for the gift.
Will You: Identify possible gift strategies to share with your donor.

The next offering of Conversational Gift Planning is expected in early 2025. Please join the interest list here.

The program will incorporate one-on-one education to help participants learn:

  • How to identify a promising candidate for a charitable gift annuity or a gift of appreciated real estate.

  • How to describe the identified gift plan to that candidate in conversational language.

  • How to find your distinctive voice in conversational gift planning through realistic practice.

The cost of the program is $995 for CGP members and $1,195 for non-members. CFRE credit is available for registrants. Full participation in Conversational Gift Planning is applicable for nine credit hours in Category 1.B -Education of the CFRE International application for initial certification and/or recertification.

Meet Dan Shephard

Dan Shephard is the creator of The Four Decisions and of Interactive Case Studies, the learning tools used in this training program. He developed the tools and techniques used in the seminar during a three-decade career as a fundraising professional with experience in the performing arts and higher education.

Over the past decade, Dan has taught conversational gift planning to hundreds of fundraising professionals at such institutions as Columbia University, the Smithsonian Institution, Florida International University, Rochester Institute of Technology, the World Wildlife Fund, and many others.

If you want to “Find Your Voice” and change the way that you fundraise, this training is for you. During this interactive course you will learn how to invite donors to a gift conversation, tap into their passions, and help them to make it a reality. This course is focused on intentionality and helps you find your own voice. It will transform the way you approach all gift conversations.
We took a close look at both the mechanics of a wide variety of gift planning strategies and, more valuable, how to explain them to my donors. It was just what my team needed.
I am a more confident fundraiser and gift planner thanks to this training. I feel better equipped to engage prospective donors in meaningful discussions. The role-playing practice exercises have made me more confident in my abilities.