Title: Using Portfolio Reviews to Maximize Planned Gifts For Your Organization
Presenter: Camille Anderson Licklider
Webinar Description: How can we best serve our fundraising colleagues as they manage proposals that have a planned giving component? How do we "check up" on their progress in a way that feels supportive? How do we encourage them to collaborate with us, and how do we ensure that all of our proposals are on track? Conducting portfolio reviews on a consistent basis can increase the likelihood that open proposals close in a timely manner, while also serving as an effective form of education for fundraisers at all levels of your organization. This session demonstrates one institution's approach to micro-portfolio reviews that are focused on planned gifts and how this process has created a culture of collaboration and teamwork across a vast array of fundraising teams.
Speaker Bio: Camille Anderson Licklider earned her bachelor's degree in Music from DePaul University and a JD from Valparaiso University School of Law. Camille has 22 years of experience in the gift planning field, all in higher education. She currently serves as Senior Executive Director, Gift Planning, at Northwestern University, where she has led the team since 2012. Prior to joining Northwestern University, Camille served as Assistant Vice President for Planned Giving at The Florida State University Foundation (2004-2011) and Director of Planned Giving at DePaul University (2000-2004). She started her career in higher education as an alumni relations officer at DePaul. Camille serves on the Board of the Chicago Council on Planned Giving, and is the co-chair of its Program Committee. In addition, she is a member of the Chicago Bar Association, and is licensed to practice law in Illinois.
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