What is the Solutions Center Anyway?

Posted by gkermeen on Apr 24, 2019 12:00:00 AM

For every challenge, there are solutions. Find yours here! If you’ve explored the CGP Conference, you may have noticed that we refer to the exhibit hall as the “Solutions Center.” The Solutions Center is the place where attendees gather for breakfast, breaks, receptions, and meetups with vendors and fellow attendees. But it’s also the site of informal learning opportunities you might not have considered.

Professionals at all stages of their careers attend the conference not just for professional development and educational opportunities, but to learn about solutions and resources that are critical to the success of the organizations they represent. These solutions are often found in the exhibit hall, where subject matter experts are eager to share their solutions to your challenges. 

 CGP encourages attendees and exhibitors to trade the typical exhibit hall experience for an atmosphere dedicated to learning and relationship building. The Solutions Center provides attendees with effective opportunities to meet with product experts, troubleshoot specific questions and discover the latest innovations in the field. Engage in meaningful conversations with our exhibitors, and the next time you have a problem to solve, you know who to look to for the solution. 

We consider it part of our mission to address the challenges faced by our constituents. Here are some examples of what you might find:

  • “ASK ME” signs at exhibit booths, where exhibitors can describe specific solutions they’re prepared to offer
  • “ASK ME” ribbons on the name badges of subject matter experts
  • White papers
  • Case studies
  • And more (we challenge our exhibitors to be creative)!

So, go ahead, grab a cup of coffee and pick up the latest trinket from our exhibitors. But while you’re there, dive into some meaningful conversations and take advantage of all there is to learn from them. They’re ready to share their expertise in the CGP Solutions Center!

Learn more about CGP Conference


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