
Title: Opera and Avocados: Lessons Learned from a Complex Life Estate

Presenters: Andy Ragone and Jill Rode

Webinar Description: Do you know what a retained life estate or life estate gift is? Would you be ready to manage one before and after it matures? The gift of a Ventura County avocado ranch to the Music Academy teaches 10 key lessons about life estates as legacy gifts. The program also includes resources and guidelines for accepting life estate gifts. Whether you are a one-person planned giving office or part of a team, this session will give you the tools to determine if life estates are the right gifts for your organization.

Speaker Bio: 

Andy Ragone is a national speaker, writer and recognized thought leader in marketing and gift planning strategies. He recently has joined the Pleiades Nonprofit Advisor team after serving many years with Crescendo Interactive as one of their marketing and sales representatives. Andy has served as an executive pastor with three larger churches, where he learned to appreciate the challenges of growing organizations—including the development of staff and culture, fund raising, volunteer coordination and marketing systems. Andy holds a BA in Andy Ragone is a national speaker, writer and recognized thought leader in marketing and gift planning strategies. He recently has joined the Pleiades Nonprofit Advisor team after serving many years with Crescendo Interactive as one of their marketing and sales representatives. Andy has served as an executive pastor with three larger churches, where he learned to appreciate the challenges of growing organizations—including the development of staff and culture, fund raising, volunteer coordination and marketing systems. Andy holds a BA in Music from Arizona State University and a Master of Divinity from Phoenix Seminary.

Jill Rode has more than 30 years of experience in fundraising and nonprofit management. She has raised millions of dollars for a variety of organizations, including Girl Scouts, Santa Barbara Symphony, Santa Barbara Zoo, American Red Cross and the YMCA. She serves as the Director of Legacy Giving at the Music Academy, one of the nation’s preeminent summer schools and festivals for gifted emerging classically trained musicians. She is a CFRE and has been recognized as an AFP Fundraiser of the Year, served as President of the Junior League of Santa Barbara and her AFP local chapter. In addition, she is on the board of Southern California CGP and is Chair of the 2023 Western Regional Conference.

Pricing for individuals: $35 for members (log in to see member pricing); $79 for non-members Not yet a member? Join today and access member discounts.

Pricing for groups: $149 for councils; $209 for organizations The group host will receive one Zoom access link. [Group webinar FAQs]

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Date of Event: 
Tuesday, August 20, 2024 - 01:00