Title: The Sunsetting Gift and Estate Tax Exemption
Date: September 21, 2023
Time: 1:00 p.m. ET
The lifetime estate and tax provision is scheduled to sunset at the end of 2025. If no new legislation is passed, this exemption will be cut approximately in half. Join us for a panel discussion presenting multiple perspectives about the potential changes, their implications and conversations to have with your donors and clients. Now is the time to raise this important topic and demonstrate proactive stewardship.
Ed Cadogan, Senior Regional Gift Strategist, The Nature Conservancy
Jennifer Norton, J.D., Norton Estate Planning and Elder Law Firm, LLC
Adam Hall, Regional Vice President, Jackson
Derek Dickinson, J.D., Director, Advanced Planning, Jackson
Mark Vergenes, President and Investment Executive, MIRUS Financial Partners
CGP Advocacy Updates are now free to the CGP network. To register, please log in, add the product to your cart and check out to complete the transaction. Registration for the live event closes 24 hours prior at 1 p.m. ET on September 20. You will receive call access instructions shortly after. After the advocacy update, view your Order Details to access the recording and materials from the call. All registrants will be emailed a recording and related materials after the call.