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About The National Association of Charitable Gift Planners
CGP has grown with and for the charitable gift planning industry. From think tank conversations, to a federation of local councils, to a professional organization, we've evolved to serve members nationwide. Together, we build a bold future of smarter giving and bigger impact.
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The Power of Engagement: Amplify Your Donor Communication Strategy
Michael Hutney
Over the last five years, advances in online communication methods have narrowed the gap between nonprofits and the donors who support them. This increase in exposure and accessibility enables nonprofits to build deeper relationships with existing donors and develop bonds with newer donors at a rapid pace. Yet, with all this opportunity, many nonprofits struggle to gain a measurable return on investment from their online communication efforts. Join us to discover a research-based, step-by-step plan for a robust online communication program that resonates with your audience, reinforces your mission and accelerates gift conversations with your donors. Three budget/experience levels will be showcased using real-life, nonprofit examples. Note: This presentation will be not be Stelter- or product-centric. Rather, we seek to provide vendor-neutral thought leadership and actionable ideas, which any nonprofit can leverage.