Title: Considering Noncash Donations to Your Charity

Presenter: Gena Lai

Date: October 24, 2023

Time: 1 p.m. ET
Registration closes 24 hours before each event.

Cost: $35 for members; $70 for non-members
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Webinar Description: Noncash assets can present great opportunities for philanthropy. Some sources estimate that $40 trillion in property is privately held, with $10 trillion changing hands in this and the next decade. In comparison, stock market wealth is estimated at $12 to $14 trillion. Even with that, some estimate that 80% of donors have appreciated assets such as stocks, mutual funds, or bonds, but only 21% of these donors have contributed this type of asset to charity. Can your organization tap into these assets? This presentation walks through how to think about whether or not to accept noncash assets, including what risks there are and how to handle them, as well as whether to hold or sell.

Speaker Bio: Gena Lai has background in endowment investment, education, corporate and securities law and public service. After working at the Yale Investments Office as a financial analyst, teaching, earning a law degree, working in a large New York law firm and serving at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Gena decided to direct all her skillsets toward philanthropy in her current role as Director of Special Assets and Strategic Investments at Yale University. In this role, Gena performs due diligence on proposed noncash donations to Yale and manages those that have been accepted, including gifts of securities, private equities, private funds, real estate, royalty rights, life insurance policies and the like. She also oversees the Donated Securities team and develops gift policies relating to potentially new asset classes, such as digital assets. Gena partners and works closely with various departments across the university, including the Office of General Counsel, Office of Investments, Finance, Controller's Office, Procurements, etc.

Standard: NSGPS 04

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Date of Event: 
Tuesday, October 24, 2023 - 13:00