Title: Talking About Death: Planned Giving & End of Life Planning
Presenter: Kimberley Pittman-Schulz
Date: May 19, 2020
Time: 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. EST
As we move through the COVID-19 pandemic, death is moving out of the shadows. Aging Baby Boomers in particular have an even more urgent reason to think about taking control and shaping the end of their life stories. As they consider what to do with the resources they have built over a lifetime, and how to continue what they most care about, donors are inviting deeper conversations leading to meaningful charitable legacies. But we need to be better at talking about death. This webinar will offer insights into the growing movement to support people in charting their own end-of-life journey. Good news: the discussion will be lively and mixed with humor as we learn skills and approaches for these life-changing conversations.
- Increase skills and comfort level when planning gifts in the midst of conversations about death and dying.
- Better counsel donors, their families and their advisors in planning meaningful legacies that embody and empower donor values while supporting charity priorities.
- Deepen understanding of how planned giving integrates with the range of end-of-life planning considerations.
Kimberly Pittman-Schulz
Kimberley Pittman-Schulz is stunned to realize she has 30+ years’ experience in charitable gift planning, nonprofit program leadership and advising individuals from all walks of life who want change the world through their philanthropy. She currently serves as Gift Planning Advisor for the Western States for Michigan State University. She was previously Planned Giving Advisor for Compassion & Choices, a national nonprofit and advocacy organization that improves care, expands options and empowers everyone to chart their own end-of-life journey. She has also held gift planning positions at Humboldt State University and ChildFund International. She volunteers with Hospice of Humboldt, the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute of Humboldt State University, CASA of Humboldt, the Humboldt Breast and GYN Program, the University of Washington Coastal Observation and Seabird Study Team (COASST), and is a member of WE Rotary, a virtual Rotary Club, with members around the country and the globe, focusing on peace-building initiatives. A poet and creative nonfiction writer, a hiker and a sea-kayaker, she lives with her wildlife-biologist husband and calico along Northern California’s redwood coast.
Group webinars are intended for CGP affiliated councils or groups of up to 30 individuals.