Title: CGP Advocacy Update
Date: February 17, 2022
Time: 1:00 p.m. ET
With the introduction of a sister bill in the House, the Accelerating Charitable Efforts (ACE) act has gained new momentum and attention from legislators and the philanthropic sector. CGP has convened a panel to discuss the proposed bill and provide perspectives from the philanthropic community.
CGP’s Government Relations chair, Robert Shafis will moderate a panel discussion with:
- Philip Purcell, Editor, Planned Giving Today
- David Kass, Vice President Government Affairs, Council on Foundations
- Lisa Chmiola, member of the U.S. Government Relations Committee, AFP International
- Christy Eckoff, Principal, Significance Ventures
Join us on Feb. 17 at 1 p.m. ET for this important discussion and get the latest on legislation affecting the charitable giving community.
CGP Advocacy Updates are now free to the CGP network. To register, please log in, add the product to your cart and checkout to complete the transaction. Depending on when you register, you will either receive call access instructions 24 hours before the event or 2 hours before the event. Registration for the live event closes at 11 a.m. ET on February 17. After the advocacy update, view your Order Details to access the recording and materials from the call. All registrants will be emailed a recording and related materials after the call.