Title: CGP Advocacy Update

Date: December 16, 2021

Time: 1:00 p.m. ET

Presenter: Perry Wasserman, Managing Director 501(c) Strategies

The first session of the 117th Congress is coming to a close, and lawmakers still have a number of items to check off on this year’s “to do” list before they adjourn for the year. While significant legislation has already made its way to President Biden’s desk in 2021, other key bills are still pending action in the House and/or Senate. Join CGP on Dec. 16 at 1 p.m. for the final Advocacy Update of the year to review the major developments from 2021 as they relate to federal legislation and charitable gift planning.   

CGP Advocacy Updates are now free to the CGP network. To register, please log in, add the product to your cart and checkout to complete the transaction. Depending on when you register, you will either receive call access instructions 24 hours before the event or 2 hours before the event. Registration for the live event closes at 11 a.m. ET on December 16. After the advocacy update, view your Order Details to access the recording and materials from the call. All registrants will be emailed a recording and related materials after the call. 

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Event Type: 
Advocacy Update
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Date of Event: 
Thursday, December 16, 2021 - 01:00