OK - Oklahoma Association of Charitable Gift Planners
Organization Name: Oklahoma Association of Charitable Gift Planners
Phone: (405) 606-2902
Email Address: info@okcharitablegiftplanners.org
Website URL: https://okcharitablegiftplanners.org/ |
OR - Northwest Planned Giving Roundtable
Organization Name: Northwest Planned Giving Council
Phone: (503) 345-9563
Email Address: info@nwpgrt.org
Website URL: http://nwpgrt.org/ |
PA - Central Pennsylvania Charitable Gift Council
Organization Name: Pennsylvania Charitable Gift Council, Central
Phone: (570) 321-1500
Email Address: michaelv@fcfpartnership.org
Website URL: http://plannedgivingcouncilcentralpenn.org |
PA - Pittsburgh Planned Giving Council
Organization Name: Pittsburgh Planned Giving Council
Phone: (412) 206-1447
Email Address: office@ppgc.net
Website URL: http://ppgc.net/ |
PA - Planned Giving Council of Greater Philadelphia
Organization Name: Philadelphia, Planned Giving Council of Greater
Phone: (856) 234-0330
Email Address: info@pgcgp.org
Website URL: https://pgcgp.org/ |
PA - Susquehanna Valley Council of Charitable Gift Planners
Organization Name: Susquehanna Valley Council of Charitable Gift Planners
Phone: (717) 237-5344
Email Address: davidwatts717@gmail.com
Website URL: http://www.SVCCGP.org |
RI - Charitable Gift Planners of Rhode Island
Organization Name: Rhode Island, Charitable Gift Planners of
Phone: (401) 841-5700
Email Address: ppprhodeisland@gmail.com
Website URL: https://cgp-ri.org/ |
SC - South Carolina Planned Giving Council
Organization Name: South Carolina Planned Giving Council
Phone: (803) 238-7438
Email Address: nancye@scplannedgiving.com
Website URL: https://www.scplannedgiving.com/ |
TN - Planned Giving Council of Middle Tennessee
Organization Name: Tennessee, Planned Giving Council of Middle
Phone: (615) 386-7302
Email Address: jessicalayman2020@gmail.com
Website URL: http://plannedgivingmidtn.org |
TN - Planned Giving Council of the Mid-South
Organization Name: Mid-South, Planned Giving Council of The
Phone: (901) 372-5003
Email Address: joey.maurizi@mlh.org
Website URL: http://pgcgm.org/ |