Title: How to Become a Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE)
Presenter: Ashley Gatewood
Date: August 5, 2021
Time: 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. EST
The Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) credential shows the world your proven mastery of essential fundraising best practices.
CFREs report increased on-the-job confidence, greater recognition from peers, and enhanced professional opportunities.
Join us for a free one-hour webinar where members of the CFRE International team will give you an in-depth look at how to successfully start on your CFRE journey.
What will be covered
- What the CFRE credential is
- Benefits of being a CFRE
- Overview of the certification process
- Application requirements & tips
- Overview of the CFRE Exam
- Studying for the CFRE Exam
- Recertification
- Live Q&A
Ashley Gatewood
Communications and marketing manager, Cfre International
Based in Baltimore, Ashley Gatewood is passionate about the nonprofit sector and member associations, having spent the bulk of her career in these areas. She loves talking about the CFRE certification and how it can help elevate fundraising professionals' careers. She believes in bringing a higher degree of professionalism and ethical accountability to fundraising will help nonprofits become more sustainable and better serve their missions.
Previously she was the events and marketing manager at the Fundraising Institute of New Zealand where she helped bring world-class fundraising programming to the country.