Title: How a Gift Planning Strategic Plan Can Transform Your Work
Presenters: Jennifer Milburn
Date: April 26, 2022
Time: 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. EST
We all know the power of a well-crafted organizational strategic plan, but have you considered how focused, strategic planning specific to your gift planning office may elevate your game? Whether you are a smaller shop, hoping to transition from reactive to proactive, or a larger team, ready to gear up for your organization's next billion dollar campaign, there is a strategic plan that can enhance and expedite your success, strengthening internal partnerships and leadership perception along the way. Join us for a lively discussion focused on the benefits of such planning, and a real life example of how it shaped the success of one organization.
Attendee comments
- This presentation reconfirmed the value of establishing a well-crafted strategic plan for building a robust Planned Giving Program. Too often, organizations say they are going to focus on building a planned giving program and years later, nothing has been done and millions of gifts are lost.
- great presentation
- Jennifer Milburn and her presentation were by far the best of the day!
- Excellent presentation! Thank you for sharing your two strategic plans. Very knowledgeable.
Jennifer Milburn
senior director, gift planning, oregon state university foundation
Jennifer Milburn began her 25-year development career as Director of Annual Giving in Intercollegiate Athletics, and progressed to major gift and capital campaign work first in athletics, then academics. After 10 years serving as Director of Development for the Colleges of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine during OSU's highly successful $1 billion campaign, she joined the OSU Foundation's Gift Planning Office and found her calling. Jennifer leads a team of four front-line gift planning officers, each with a donor portfolio and annual metrics. She also has oversight of gift planning marketing, probate administration, realized bequests and trusts and contracts.
Group webinars are intended for CGP affiliated councils or groups of up to 30 individuals.